Ensure your forms are always ready to go with the Form Integrity module. This crucial tool checks that all required plugins are installed and up to date, avoiding any disruptions in form functionality. Keep your forms running smoothly and efficiently with automatic integrity checks.

  • Automatic checks for required plugin installations
  • Updates verification for installed plugins
  • Notifications for any missing or outdated components

Form Integrity

This module is available in the Gravity Hopper plugin.

“With Form Integrity, we’re confident our forms function flawlessly. It’s reassuring to know that every required plugin is checked and in place.”


Feature List

Automatic Integrity Checks

When a form is saved or imported to the site, the Form Integrity module checks to see whether the form requires use of specific plugins. It does so by inspecting each of the following items:

  • field types
  • field properties
  • feed types
  • feed meta
  • form settings

Manually Adding Dependencies

When using plugins for which we have not added auto-detection, you can manually indicate dependency by visiting the page Form → Settings → Integrity, click Assign Plugins, and tick additional plugins that are required by the form. These plugins will now show as a dependency for the form.

Integrity Indicators

If a form is dependent upon plugins that are missing, several indicators are then placed throughout the Gravity Forms UI to show that the site does not comply with requirements of the form in that required plugin dependencies are not installed or active.

Integrity Overview

Clicking any integrity indicator will direct you to the page at Form → Settings → Integrity which lists all plugins currently marked as a dependency for the form. If the plugin is inactive, you can immediately activate the plugin from this screen. If the plugin is not installed on the site, a direct link to that plugin’s URL will be available.

Filtering by Plugin

When viewing your form list page, you can apply a filter to show only forms associated requiring a specific plugin. This can be done by either (1) selecting a folder from the dropdown or (2) clicking a pluign name in the Required Plugins column. Either method will auto-redirect you to the filtered form list.

Note that the Required Plugins columns will only show once a filter has been applied.

Plugin Library

Use of the following plugins are automatically checked when running form integrity checks.

Gravity Forms

PluginType of Check
2Checkout Add-Onfield
ActiveCampaign Add-Onfeed
Advanced Post Creation Add-Onfeed
Agile CRM Add-Onfeed
Akismet Add-Onform setting
Authorize.Net Add-Onfeed
AWeber Add-Onfeed
Breeze Add-Onfeed
Campaign Monitor Add-Onfeed
Capsule CRM Add-Onfeed
Chained Selects Add-Onfield
CleverReach Add-Onfeed
Cloudflare Turnstile Add-Onfield
Constant Contact Add-Onfeed
Conversational Forms Add-Onform setting
ConvertKit Add-Onfeed
Coupons Add-Onfield
Dropbox Add-Onfeed
EmailOctopus Add-Onfeed
Emma Add-Onfeed
FreshBooks Classic Add-Onfeed
GetResponse Add-Onfeed
Google Analytics Add-Onfeed
Help Scout Add-Onfeed
HubSpot Add-Onfeed
iContact Add-Onfeed
Mad Mimi Add-Onfeed
Mailchimp Add-Onfeed
Mailgun Add-Onfeed
Mollie Add-Onfeed
Partial Entries Add-Onfeed
PayPal Checkout Add-Onfeed
Pipe Add-Onfield
Polls Add-Onfield
Postmark Add-Onfeed
Quiz Add-Onfield
SendGrid Add-Onfeed
Signature Add-Onfield
Slack Add-Onfeed
Square Add-Onfield / feed
Stripe Add-Onfield / feed
Survey Add-Onfield
Trello Add-Onfeed
Twilio Add-Onfeed
User Registration Add-Onfield / feed
Webhooks Add-Onfeed
Zapier Add-Onfeed
Zoho CRM Add-Onfeed


PluginType of Check
Entry Tagsfield
Event Fieldfield

Gravity Wiz

PluginType of Check
Address Autocompletefield property
Advanced Phone Fieldfield
Advanced Save and Continueform setting
Advanced Selectfield property
Auto Loginfeed meta
Blocklistfield property / form setting
Conditional Logic Dateslogic
Conditional Pricingform setting
Copy Catfield property regex
Custom Javascriptform setting
Disable Entry Creationform setting
File Renamerfield property
File Upload Profield property
Google Sheetsfeed / field property
Inventoryfield property
Limit Checkboxesfield property
Limit Choicesfield property
Limit Datesfield property
Limit Submissionsfeed
Media Libraryfield property
Multi-page Navigationform setting
Nested Formsfield
Notification Schedulerform setting
Page Transitionsform setting
Pay Per Wordfield property
Populate Anythingfield property / field property regex / form setting regex
Price Rangefield property
QR Codefield
Randomizerfield property
Read Onlyfield property
Reload Formform setting
Terms of Servicefield
Unique IDfield
Word Countfield property


PluginType of Check
Advanced Number Fieldfield property
List Datepickerfield property
List Dropdownfield property
List Number Formatfield property


PluginType of Check
Collapsible Sectionsfield property
Color Pickerfield property
Image Choicesfield property
Tooltipsfield property

Other Plugins

PluginsType of Check
Entry Automationfeed
Entry Automation FTP Extensionfeed setting
Entry Expiration for Gravity Formsform setting
Gravity Flowfeed
Gravity Flow Incoming Webhookfeed
Gravity Flow PDF Generatorfeed / feed setting
Gravity Forms Approvalsfeed
Gravity PDFform setting
Gravity PDF Previewerfield
Search Field for Gravity Formsfield
SyncS3 for Gravity Formsfield / field property
Live Summary for Gravity Formsform setting
Coinbase Commerce for Gravity Formsfeed
Gravity Slider Fieldsfeed
G-Forms hCaptchafield

Module Integrations

Keyboard Shortcuts

g !Navigate to Form → Settings → Integrity

Form Overview

Adds an indicator in the form list table entry column for recent entry errors that may have been encountered.


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