Archives: Downloads

  • Gravity Hopper Network Bundle
  • Gravity Hopper Child
  • Gravity Hopper

    Gravity Hopper

    Unlock the full potential of Gravity Forms with our comprehensive suite of modules. This powerhouse collection transforms your form-building experience, offering everything from customizable email templates and intuitive form overviews to advanced field management and logging capabilities. Streamline your processes, improve efficiency, and ensure your forms are more powerful and user-friendly than ever. Designed to…

  • Field Notes

    Field Notes

    It can be easy to lose track of how a form functions. Field Notes lets you track your form development and mark up fields with markdown commenting. Note. Track. Know. You May Be Wondering…

  • Form Integrity

    Form Integrity

    Know with confidence which plugins are needed to keep your form functioning properly. Form Integrity runs in the background to track form dependencies and alerts you when something seems to be missing. Build. Publish. Confidently. You May Be Wondering…

  • Keyboard Shortcuts

    Keyboard Shortcuts

    Up the efficiency with which you develop and navigate your Gravity Form environment. Keyboard Shortcuts adds a number of basic keyboard shortcuts for use in your Gravity Forms dashboard. Keypress. Go. Do. You May Be Wondering…

  • Organized Forms

    Organized Forms

    Put your forms and entries in place and find them easily. Letting you group forms and entries in custom folders, Organized Forms makes a great addition to any site with many forms. File. Filter. Find. You May Be Wondering…

  • Utility Bundle

    Utility Bundle

    The Gravity Hopper Utility Bundle includes access to all available utility plugins on our site. These plugins work alongside Gravity Forms to enhance your form management and development experience. Currently included in the bundle…

  • Easy Repeatable Exports

    Easy Repeatable Exports

    When you pull data from a form, you usually want to export the same fields. With Easy Repeatable Exports, the fields you select for export will persist. Select once. Export always. You May Be Wondering…

  • Multisite Global Forms

    Multisite Global Forms

    Multisite Global Forms is the ultimate Gravity Forms tool for your WordPress multisite network. Craft forms with ease on your primary site, and with just a click, share them across your network. Changes are synced seamlessly, and entries can be centrally collected. It’s simplicity, scalability, and synchronization all rolled into one. By enhancing form management…